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62020 Torkelson Rd
Bend, OR, 97701



Tricks to Orchids

Christin Gitthens

Your happy Orchid should bloom for at least six months indoors.

If that is not happening,

My first suggestion would be more light, less water.

any blooming plant would rather be dry than always wet.

In fact, wet all the time.
Your plant will never bloom.

All blooming plant like to be root bound, especially orchids.

I water with warm water always to the sides never on leaves. Misting is good.

Orchid need a cooler night temp. if your home or office stays around the same temp always.

This to could be the problem. Try putting the plant in Fridge for the night [ don’t forget about it ]

give it at least four to six week for anything to change.

Feed with orchid bloom food while in bloom