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Phone: 518-419-8328


62020 Torkelson Rd
Bend, OR, 97701




Christin Gitthens

Poinsettias are a beautiful Christmas flower.

if cared for properly,

they are a cactus so warm window, warm room and warm water.
Prune to keep shape after bloom.

feed through out THE summer

transplant only if needed

root tightness and kept on the dry side is the best thing for any bloomers. My opinion.


Christin Gitthens

Water is life

everything-from plants to peoples and animals depend on water.




plants give off moisture, use carbon dioxide

and yeild oxygen .

we need to conserve water but plant more trees

for every one taken down, five should be planted

(my opinion)

yours ?

Tips on Transplanting!

Christin Gitthens

Spring and fall is the best time to transplant. making sure your plants ready? Are there root coming out of bottom of pot, does it need watered more than once a week ? I start with a clean pot only a inch bigger. Most plants like to be root bound. In facted most bloomers will not bloom if not root bound. I use a potting soil that doesn’t have a lot of peat moss in it . It will keep indoor plants to wet,

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Tricks to Orchids

Christin Gitthens

Your happy Orchid should bloom for at least six months indoors. If that is not happening, my first suggestion would be more light, less water. any blooming plant would rather be dry than always wet. In fact, wet all the time.
Your plant will never bloom.

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Curb Appeal

Christin Gitthens

First impressions are crucial and your curb appeal can make or break the success of you business. Don't turn off potential customers before they even step inside. Let It's The touch add magnificent visual appeal to the exterior of your business. Well designed exterior pots or hanging baskets can give your property a look of richness and success. Cultivating curb appeal will set your business apart from the completion and entice potential customers.

Tips from the pro! How to take care of your houseplants

Christin Gitthens

Healthy plants balance their foliage and root growth. Good pruning and repotting habits help plants to maintain this balance.

A rootbound plant will grow foliage energetically until the roots are unable to feed the entire plant. Foliage growth will stop until the plant is repotted into a larger container. Foliage will grow again only after the roots have a chance to catch-up.

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Houseplant FAQ's

Christin Gitthens

Question: Why do you keep your plants foliage clean?Answer: Not only do your plants look better, they will be healthier. Plants need to be able to intake our carbon dioxide to make oxygen.

Question: Are plants toxic? Answer: Some can make you sick if you eat a lot - Poinsettia, Philodendrons, and Dieffenbachia to name a few.

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